Sunday, August 28, 2016

A plum

Sit. Relax. Close your eyes and be still. Take a deep breath. Listen to the air as it passes in and out of your lungs. Be calm. Feel your lungs as they expand and contract. In. Then out. In. Then out. Breathe deep and slowly. Feel your body absorb the air. Clear your mind. Imagine you’re sitting on the floor in the middle of a large white room. You open your eyes, and two feet in front of you is a piece of fruit. Your eyes tell you it’s a purple plum. Now pick it up. Your hand senses it’s firm and ripe. You lift it to your nose and it smells like a fragrant plum. Take a bite and your taste buds agree with your other senses. It is without a doubt, a plum. Now return the plum and close your eyes again. Take a deep breathe. Relax. Breathe nice and easy. Clear your mind. I want you to imagine sitting in the middle of the same white room. But this time, when you open your eyes, you see nothing. For the plum is now two feet behind you. Although you can’t see it, feel it, smell it or taste it, you still know its there. How do you know? Let me explain.

"Hi, I'm a plum."
Although you’re in the same room, the plum’s location makes your five traditional senses obsolete. Yes, even your hearing is impaired since plums don’t talk... well... not this one anyway. So all of your physical senses are rendered useless. However, you’re not completely “senseless” and neither is the plum. And to say its the sixth sense would be wrong, for that type of logic implies the use of your brain. This is different.

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