Sunday, September 11, 2016

... the science dilemma...

Science would have us believe emotions are a bi-product of complex chemical reactions within the brain... primarily, the human brain. Science is wrong. Any pet person could provide sufficient anecdotal evidence that contradicts such conjecture. It is the spirit that dictates feelings and emotions and the bi-product is the chemical reaction. Regardless of species or intellectual capacity, the energy of life is the spirit. How else can the responses exhibited in life be explained... a herd of donkeys crying over the death of one of their own, a dog's excitement when seeing his human after a long absence, a nursing mom of a litter of her own accepting a baby of an entirely different species, the purring of a cat when petted... or what about this little guy, sitting on my back step. Can science be 100% confident in its conclusion that it's nothing more than a conditioned response (he's waiting for the peanut guy who kindly hands him peanut after peanut). I believe there's more to it than conditioning...

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