Monday, October 17, 2016

The Heart Stone

...Pure love was given to Stonesway with the gift of the Heart Stone. There are those who believe its the Stone of God for at it's core lies the reason for life--to love and be loved. This is the Stone that unifies all the others for it carries an essence of God. As Stones go, it is the smallest yet also the brightest. It pulses like a living heart. And with every beat, waves of pure love blanket the land. As a reigning Queen dies, the Heart Stone casts a brilliant light, rises from its cradle and flashes out of sight. Instantly, it appears before it’s next bearer--a woman whose spirit is destined to wield the power of love. As she grasps it, a brilliant reddish orb surrounds her. It continues to brighten and within seconds, the new Queen appears upon her waiting throne. No one knows how she is chosen for those are the ways of the Stones. But there is never any doubt of the validity of the ascending Queen’s successor. She is openly welcomed as the new ruler of the Kingdom of the Heart Stone. The spirit of love always finds its keeper.

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