Monday, August 29, 2016

Stones ... by michael steven peter

I love reading a good book. When I read, my mind travels to the story and I get lost in the tale. I guess something can be said about having a very active imagination.

A few years, ago, my life imploded which is neither here nor there, for we all have a journey to complete. But what I find so helpful, is my belief in the spirit of life. It's not religion for I am far from being a holy roller. It's about being a part of something beyond amazing... it's a feeling above all else, its unconditional love. Regardless of the situation or circumstance, we have love to guide our journey.

My personal hero is a carpenter and an extremely humble man. He said it best with a few words... God is LOVE. He also told the world about the very nature of life. He said we should love God with everything we have and love everyone else as we love ourselves. Talk about a whole lot of love there. But that truly is the answer. Love.

Imagine a world where the golden rule was the only law of the land. A world where mom's are the rulers. A world where everything is possible.  Such is the world I imagine, as I write...

Stones... The Mystical Age of Enlightenment


Unknown said...

I can't wait for your next book, the first is amazing....

mikelpet said...

Thank you... its been a process but I believe I can see the light at the end of the first book. I am weary of the ending for so many things keep coming into my head. I guess they wlll just have to appear in the books to come about the kingdoms of Stonesway.