A thousand years have passed since the Great Relumination. It took one week for the war of wars to destroy the world. Yet but an hour to reset the lands of yore--lands that sprouted atop the ashes of the last Age of Man. Logic dictates that opposites maintain balance in the universe. It’s only natural that the amassed negative forces that destroyed the reign of man would be countered by an equally positive force. In order to restore the sanity to an unbalanced world, a miracle was required. Such a phenomenon occurred on September 17th, 2019. It was the day of the Great Relumination--a rara avis gifted to the world which started with the appearance of the Stone.
Beginnings can be delicate--fragile--and at times, susceptible to great peril. But on that great day, the opposite held true--for the unimaginable manifested. A miracle so grand that it changed the world forever. At 7:10 a.m., an omnipotently luminous Stone appeared in the sky. It’s magnificence intensified--brightened-- then expanded. As it swelled, the war-torn putridity that poisoned the air was sucked into the Stone. As the air cleared, the beams intensified and illuminated the land below. Everything touched by the glow was cleansed--reborn anew. The water, the soil, the plants--all life was rejuvenated to its' original glory. Then something more wondrous happened. The Stone grew brighter than any eye could endure--it vibrated and shed many pieces--“boomed” and flashed to the heavens. The smaller pieces scattered into the paradise left below. By 8:10 a.m., the world had been saved--the old with the new. And mankind’s reign had ended.
Mankind… “man” and “kind.” Funny how two words when connected can obscure the meaning of both. MAN being a sentient creature having the ability to think, reason, and use logic. And KIND being a word used to describe an action or reaction toward a situation--to act with compassion, to show consideration, to be thoughtful... an overall emotional characteristic that implies the use of empathy and/or sympathy. Considering the outcomes of the Ages of Man, “mankind” had not lived up to the expectations associated with either word.
Such was the dawn of the Mystical Age of Enlightenment. Mankind was no longer in charge--his dominion was over. Yet humanity had truly been blessed on that long overdue day. Since he was still needed, the Stone had also absolved him of his crimes and reallocated him to his rightful place in life--that as a shared stewart over the planet Earth.
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