A Time of Stones
A long time ago, we were given... Stones. They had ushered in the Fifth Age of Man albeit the Mystical Age of Enlightenment.
A millennium had passed since the loss of the fourth Age of Man. Humanity had been given yet another chance at life--had been given a gift through that which is the Stones. Equality--value--unity--they were no longer meaningless words to this Fifth Age of Man. The Stones changed everything. They gave mankind the ability to cherish life and embrace the spirit of the world. Nature had truly blossomed and was strengthened by the Spirit of the Stones. Humanity was no longer alone. The many life forms that had hidden from man had emerged onto the world. And the once believed lesser in life had secured their rightful place alongside mankind.
The society of man had evolved. Its claim of dominion over all life forms had been absolved and exchanged for one of harmony and inclusion. Love had triumphed and was now the norm. The world had become but one--such was the gift given by the Stones.
The Ages of Man
Society had embraced the Spirit--life’s truest gift from the Stones. But it hadn’t been an easy road. Man had ignored the many lessons he had experienced during the four prior Ages--he had wrestled with his own humanity throughout the four Ages of Tears. Yet history has naught a sense of irony, for a circle had been formed that brought man once again to an Age of Stones.
The first Age of Man was that of the Stone Age--a time more relevant to this Age. It was a time when we were nothing more than a chess piece on the gameboard of life, a pawn of nature--one of many life forms on the planet Earth--all equally challenged in a fight for existence. Survival was the driving force. As the Metal Age unfolded, man learned to use his surroundings to not only improve his life but impose his will upon it--his need to survive had been replaced by his desire to dominate.
It was then that the Dark Age of Man had spread across the lands. Countries formed--wars thrived. Religions fractured and brought chaos to the world of man. Human will had found its home. It solidified through the claim that a deity had authorized man’s rule. But with so many Gods encased in multiple religions, unity had no place to grow. As the Fourth Age unraveled, glimpses of hope had begun. Science had exploded. Art, music, and the dance had cherry picked their professors who had in turn fed the masses the many flavors of the Spirit. Love had developed its own language and for a time, it looked as though man would break through this 4th Age of Reasoning and Information. But man was stubborn and held tight to its declaration of rule.
Looking back through these Ages, it is without a sense of bewilderment that humanity survived at all. For the first Age albeit the Stone Age, had too been given the gift of the Stones--the knowledge of the stars laid at their feet. But because of their pride, humanity had forgotten its place and threw away these Stones. Without their Spirit to guide and love, the world was left in pain. And this is why the Earth suffered through four Ages of Tears. And then came the Fifth Age of Man--a rebirth of the Stone Age--The Mystical Age of Enlightenment--the Age of the Stones.
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