Hello... meet the author... moi, aka michael steven peter... aka believer in spirituality... aka lover of life... aka tie-dyed t-shirt maker (yep, made the one I'm wearing, my hands turned blue but that's another story)... aka widow of Eric Jones (he left the planet on Dec,8, 2012)... aka squirrel tender... aka loves a certain carpenter... aka plays the guitar on the piano... aka work in progress... aka is either 16 or 958 years old... aka is owned by five cats... aka farm grown... aka card-carrying gay man... aka lover of a healthy debate... aka loving uncle... aka woodworker... aka middle child... aka ENFP... aka baptized by choice @ 42 years old (two doves descended upon the water as I rose from being dipped, it was incredibly humbling and truly spiritual)... aka artist (just wait, you'll be seeing lots of my work in Stones, I promise)... aka seeker of a new life (as in open to where the spirit leads me)... aka LOVES PEOPLE AND BELIEVES THAT HUMANITY CAN CHANGE THE WORLD IF WE ONLY TRY... aka poet... aka reader... aka honest to a fault (it gets me in trouble)... aka prefers the light of day but appreciates the dark of night... aka wishes mankind would stop hurting each other... aka believer of the Golden Rule... aka lover of surprises and spontaneity... aka may be the author of Stones but has two wonderful partners that are equally involved.
"May light guide your journey, may you find love in everything, and may whatever you believe in keep you safe and journeying toward enlightenment." (sending AIRHUGS to all)...