My answer albeit two cents:. My dear one, there is no secret or magic fairy dust to ease pain or give comfort to the soul... (granted most everyone looks for such things and finds temporary albeit faux-comfort thru a whole onslaught of chemical proclivities ... and that list is about the longest on the planet). Where do we find our "cores?" The secret doesn't come from the answer but the question itself. It's written "seek and ye shall find" -- "ask and it shall be given unto you"... frankly, love, faith, and hope are not things you can look for or ask to be given. How is it even possible to "find" what's never been hidden?" Or "ask" for something that you've already been given? Seems redundant and slightly hypocritical for people who TRULY believe in God but are not connected to the SPIRIT of a LIVING GOD. The wonder of it all is found in everything, for all life is connected and sacred. The guide is the Spirit... and once you truly sacrifice the "self", the entire world lights up and love pours forth from EVERYWHERE. It surrounds us, protects us... feeds us and becomes the very core we so desperately desire... it melds to your soul... and you not only "understand" but "feel" the joy that comes from the DIVINE TRUTH... you're NEVER ALONE... and when you truly allow the Spirit of THE LIVING GOD inside you, you see the "gifts" of the OMNIPOTENT. And they are EVERYWHERE--they're in music, nature, art, sunshine, the dance, and in all your brothers and sisters ... (the power of a hug has no equal... when no person is there to hug, hug a pet or tree or sunshine.. a song or a dance... or a rainy day or even yourself). We are all a part of something truly magical--something wondrous and grand. The greatest gift in life is BEING WITH GOD... for God is alive... GOD IS LOVE. May love be your guide for it will set you free. And that my dear, is the essence of my "core:,,, faith, hope, and love... but the greatest of these... is LOVE... (airhugs

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